Box 854
SE-97126 Luleå

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About Merox & BDX


The Swedish market is divided into a northern and a southern area. BDX sells Hyttsten in the north and Merox the south. Hyttsten is produced in Oxelösund by SSAB EMEA, Merox AB and Foria AB. In Luleå the production is carried out by SSAB EMEA and BDX. Merox also sell Hyttsand.


SSAB Oxelösund AB manufacture steel products, approx 1,7m ton per annum, leading to the production of approx 700,000 ton by-products. Merox refine this process and maximize the use of these by-products with their unique properties.

Merox has a turnover of approx 600 MKR. There are approx 55 employees, with the back-up of about 40 contractors. The main part of the business is carried out in Oxelösund. We work in Borlänge with a focus on work with ironoxide, mill scale and used equipment. Furthermore, Merox has personnel at a ball mill in Grängesberg refining a product. In Luleå SSAB EMEA take care of their own products, with the entrepeneur BDX working as a supplement with among other things, production and sales of Hyttsten.

More information is available on the Merox home page.


BDX offers a total solution within contract machinery and transport branch. Apart from Hyttsten, BDX can deliver products from nearly 30 mountain, moraine and gravel pits in several locations in the county of Norrbotten. There are several crushing and sorting plants in our concern. We work nationally but Norrbotten and northern Västerbotten are our domestic markets.

More information is available on the BDX home page.


BDX Industri AB

We can deliver all necessary material for ground and road construction. For SSAB we carry out refinement, crushing and delivery of Hyttsten. Hyttsten is a tested and reliable product used in reinforcing construction bases. In particular, where the ground has low bearing capacity Hyttsten has proved superior to other materials.

Usually Hyttsten is crushed and sorted similar to rock and gravel materials. As we work with our own sorting plants we can offer and produce other sizes to order.

Do not hesitate to contact us so we can help you find the right solution where both parties can be pleased with a job sucessfully completed. The company is responsible for a number of entrepeneurs at SSAB in Luleå. One of the more important are entrepeneurs for function at SSAB's briquette factory, responsible for everything from collection of by-products from SSAB's production units to delievery in the steel production. The production of briquette is currently 140,000 tons per annum, but the plant has capacity for considerably greater volumes.

Last updated: 12 maj 2010