Box 854
SE-97126 Luleå

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Hyttsten ABS types

Hyttsten type L & M

The crushed products, crushed rock such as Hyttsten, have often very different properties. To maximize usage of the proudcts they are divided into different types. Due to the different methods of Hyttsten production, we get, to a certain extent, varied properties: density, firmness, heat conductivity etc. Therefore we divide Hyttsten into two types:

  • Hyttsten type L (Low density) the main property is that the product is very light. The firmness of the stone is somewhat less than in type M, but the production gives, when used well, a strong and very light construction. Currently, type L is only produced in Luleå. Sales through BDX.

  • Hyttsten type M (Medium density) The product is lighter than crushed rock. The higher level of firmness gives a stronger contruction than type L. Currently, type M is only produced in Oxelösund. Sales through Merox.

  • Types L & M: It is important to make the most of Hyttsten's cement bonding in combination with its high insulation factor. Both types have a considerable lower density than gravel and crushed rock, which means greater volume per lorry.

Dimension chart

Please see the chart for dimensions. More information available in the product specifications.

Parameter Hyttsten type L Hyttsten type M
MDE 30    10
LA-tal 40    18
Stiffness coefficient:    
Road base [MPa] not applicable > 600
Sub base [MPa] > 450 > 600
Sub ground [MPa] > 300 not applicable
Frost resistance F1 F1
Thermal conductivity [W/mK] 0,5 - 0,65                    (moister 8%) *) 0,38                    (dry) 
Density (ton/m3)    
Bulk density  1,2 - 1,4  1,25 - 1,5

Compacted Unit Weight           degree of compaction in field:

 1,55 - 1,85  1,85 - 2,0 *)

*) Values under investigation

Composition of Hyttsten and Hyttsand

Silicon dioxide   SiO2  30-35%  
Calcium oxide   CaO   28-33%  
Magnesium oxide   MgO   15-19%  
Aluminum oxide   Al2O3   12-15%  
Sulpher  S   1-1,5%  
Iron oxide   FeO   0,50%  
Manganese oxide   MnO   0,50%
Combinations are calculated to oxide forms.

The chemical composition is similar for Hyttsand and both types of Hyttsten.


Last updated: 9 april 2014