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SE-97126 Luleå

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Light weight construction

Light embankment with Hyttsten from Luleå

As Hyttsten is approximately 25% lighter than crushed rock, the material has proved very useful on weaker base surfaces. The materials' sharp-edged surface structure and its cementing properties increase the bonding between the grains, which often results in the possibility of lessening the thickness of the sub base. This in turn, reduces the load on the surface with bad bearing quality.

Light embankment with Merox Hyttsand:

Our Hyttsand is very effective as road material, as the ground conditions require an extremely light and strong road. Now when other road material e.g. crushed rock breakdown due to its own weight and the pressure of the traffic, Vägverket (the Swedish National Road Administration) now recommends our Hyttsand as an effective "repair material". Hyttsand has a density of approx. 1,1 ton/m3 which in itself is interesting, but the most interesting property with Hyttsand is the so-called latent bonding properties, which mean that it hardens the same way as normal cement.

The hardened road spreads the load effectively over a large area.

Last updated: 13 maj 2010